December 8

Innovation. Whose Job Is It Anyway?

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When you hear the word innovation, what comes to mind? Maybe you picture a product designer in a trendy office, dreaming up the next big thing. Or a tech team pushing out a game-changing app. It’s easy to think of innovation as something that happens in one place: the Product Development department.

But what if I told you that thinking is holding your company back?

What if the secret to innovation wasn’t confined to a few creative minds, but woven throughout your entire organization? What if you (no matter your role) are an innovator waiting to be unleashed?

Before we get there, let’s explore what innovation really is. Because when you break it down, you’ll realize something powerful: Innovation isn’t just about products. It’s about how your whole company thinks and operates.

Ready to discover where you fit into the innovation puzzle? Let’s go.

The Three Faces of Innovation

To unravel the mystery of who drives innovation, it helps to understand what drives innovation. Look beyond the shiny new products, and you’ll find that innovation comes in three distinct forms:

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Process Innovation

Think about the work you do every day. Now imagine it being faster, cheaper, and smoother. That’s Process Innovation – finding better ways to get things done. It often involves new methods or technology to save time, cut costs, and improve results.

Business Model Innovation

What if your company changed how it makes money? Or found a new way to engage customers that left competitors scrambling to catch up? That’s Business Model Innovation: rethinking the very way value is created and captured.

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Product/Service Innovation

This is what most people picture when they think of innovation: new or improved products and services. The kind of innovation that customers can touch, see, and experience. It’s exciting, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. These three forms of innovation don’t live in isolation. They thrive when everyone in the company plays their part. And often, the most impactful innovations don’t come from where you’d expect.

The Unexpected Power of Process Innovation

Let’s talk about something that doesn’t get the spotlight often enough: Process Innovation.

Imagine you work in finance or operations. You’re not designing new products, so it’s easy to feel like innovation is someone else’s job. But what if the way you improve a financial workflow saves the company millions? What if an automated process cuts your response time in half and makes customers love your service?

These innovations might seem quiet, but their impact can echo for years – creating efficiencies and competitive advantages that are hard for competitors to copy.

And here’s the twist: while product innovations can be copied within months, a streamlined process or efficient workflow? That can give your company a sustained edge.

Suddenly, the “back office” isn’t a support function – it’s a powerhouse of innovation.

Business Model Innovation: A New Way to Win

Now, let’s zoom out to Business Model Innovation.

This type of innovation changes the way your company delivers value. It might mean adopting a subscription model, bundling services in a new way, or shifting how customers engage with your brand.

Business Model Innovation can disrupt markets and turn entire industries on their heads. But it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It requires insight from across the organization: finance, customer service, sales, operations.

In other words, everyone’s input matters. Those on the front lines interacting with customers, and those behind the scenes making sure systems run smoothly.

The takeaway? Innovation isn’t just for product teams. It’s woven into the very structure of how your company operates.

So, Who Really Drives Innovation?

If you’ve been following along, you probably know where this is going. The answer to “Whose job is innovation?” isn’t what most people expect.

Innovation isn’t the responsibility of a single department. It’s not something you hand off to the creative team and hope for the best. Innovation is everyone’s job.

Think about it:

  • Finance teams can revolutionize processes to save time and money.
  • Customer support teams can pioneer new ways to engage and delight customers.
  • Operations teams can streamline workflows to unlock massive efficiencies.
  • Product teams can design the next breakthrough, but their success depends on the processes and business models that support them.

When everyone embraces innovation, collaboration thrives. Silos disappear. Product teams value the contributions of finance and operations. Support functions see themselves as drivers of innovation, not obstacles to it.

And that’s when the magic happens.

The Big Shift: From Siloed Innovation to Collaborative Success

If you want your company to be truly innovative, here’s the bottom line: Every employee needs to see themselves as an innovator.

This isn’t just a nice idea. It’s a strategic advantage. When everyone understands the different ways innovation happens – whether through processes, business models, or products – they realize how they can contribute.

  • Mindsets shift. People stop seeing innovation as “someone else’s job.”
  • Collaboration grows. Teams that used to be siloed now work together toward shared goals.
  • Results improve. Innovation becomes a continuous, company-wide effort, not a one-off event.

Innovation isn’t a department. It’s a culture. And cultures are shaped by everyone.

Ready to Play Your Part?

Next time you think about innovation, look beyond the products. Think about the processes that can be transformed, the business models that can be reimagined, and the people around you who are already innovating (whether they realize it or not).

So, whose job is innovation?

Look around. Look in the mirror.

It’s yours.

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